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Walk One Day In Our Shoes... as we take a trip to the grocery store

Walk One Day In Our Shoes... as we take a trip to the grocery store

Ever since Sneak was a toddler, she has always enjoyed the weekly trip to the grocery store. Although trips to the store are a lot faster for me when I go without the kids, I still use the opportunity to teach life skills to her when I can. Below are her responsibilities when we go to the grocery store: *Push the cart *Remove familiar items from the shelf and place them into the cart *Help to load the items onto the belt *Help me to scan the items before bagging (if using self checkout) *MOST IMPORTANT - Riding on the cart as I push her Now... She will do ALL of the above with a smile - but will protest when I ask her to carry a light bag of groceries into the house! GO FIGURE! Including her in everyday tasks like grocery shopping will help her to become more independent as she ages. Now...if only I could get her to prepare dinner...

Do YOUR loved ones help with the grocery shopping?

~Sincerely, Pump

noun :a shoe that grips the foot chiefly at the toe and heel; especially :a close-fitting woman's dress shoe with a moderate to high heel

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