Tough decisions.
Since the beginning of my blogging journey in 2015, I’ve had a few missions in mind... 1: To show other autism families - especially...

Good Morning Washington: Indoor Snow Day Activities with Household Items
It is always a pleasure to visit with my friends over at Good Morning Washington! Today, "Tap" helped me present a few indoor snow day...

3 Family Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
As the Momma of a blended family, I’ve made the focus of Valentine’s Day all about my entire family for a few years now. My sentimental...

Facebook's "How much has life aged you" Challenge
So... I’m going to be honest; this new Facebook “How much has life aged you?” challenge annoys me. I take that back, ALL Facebook...

Good Morning Washington: Holiday Tips & Gift Guide for People With Special Needs
It’s always a pleasure to visit with Good Morning Washington to help folks with loved ones who have special needs! Today, I shared my...

Good Morning Washington: Back-to-School Tips for the Special Needs Parent
1. Create an "All About Me" Packet about your child to share with all of their new teachers / caregivers: All About Me Packet 2. Take...

Good Morning Washington: #GoodMorningMommas Panel on #WorldAutismAwarenessDay!
Hugs & High-fives Everyone! If you missed our live segment this morning on WJLA-TV (ABC) Good Morning Washington, the link to view it is...

"Model One Day In Our Shoes" Fashion Show & After Party - 4.28.18
Walk One Day In Our Shoes presents our 6th event… The “Model One Day In Our Shoes” Fashion Show – featuring models with autism, special...

I interviewed a Special Ed Teacher about School Shootings
*Trigger Warning* School Shootings The Parkland shootings gave me intense anxiety about the safety of Sneak, and other students like her,...

My review of ABC's "The Good Doctor"
"When a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome joins St. Bonaventure hospital's surgical unit..." *Siiiiiiiiiiigh* OK... Look, I'm...